Dearborn Elementary Charter Academy

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Mrs. Erica Roldan » Policies and Procedures

Policies and Procedures

Class Schedule

07:52 a.m. – 8:15: a.m.: Breakfast in the Classroom/Morning Business

8:15 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.: ELD Instruction

9:00 – 10:00: Language Arts Instruction

10:00 a.m. – 10:20 a.m.: Recess

10:20 a.m.– 11:00 a.m.: Language Arts Instruction

11:00 a.m. – 12:25 p.m.: Math Instruction

12:25 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.: Lunch

1:00 p.m. – 1:45 p.m.: Science/Health/Social Studies/Art

1:45 p.m. – 2:15: Workstations/Small Groups

(Out of the classroom schedule (library, computer lab, music, etc.) is TBD.)


 Attending school each and every day (on time) is of the utmost importance in your child’s education.  New skills are learned daily, and your child can fall behind very quickly if they have poor attendance.  Please make sure your child is in line by 7:48 a.m. (warning bell) and in my classroom by 7:52 a.m.  Although Dearborn encourages excellent attendance, we do understand if illnesses or personal emergencies arise.  It is imperative that a note excusing your child’s absence is sent to school on the day they return.  Make-up work and homework will have a one day due date extension.

 Behavior Policy

 In the classroom, I have implemented these five rules and consequences to follow:

 1. I will listen and follow directions.

2. I will raise my hand to share ideas.

3. I will use a soft voice.

4. I will walk in school to be safe.

5. I will use my hands for helping and not hurting.

6. I will use kind words.

 Classroom Consequences

1st Time You Choose Not To Follow A Rule
Consequence: A Verbal Warning

2nd Time You Choose Not To Follow A Rule
Consequence: A Check on the Student’s Behavior Log/Turn to Yellow Card

3rd Time You Choose Not To Follow A Rule
Consequence: A Check on Behavior Log, Parent Conference Requested/Turn to Red Card

Severe Clause: Any sort of physical harm or bullying directed at another student will send student directly to the Principal’s Office and a call home.

 The above “Behavior Log” referenced is in correlation to Dearborn’s Weekly Conduct Report to be sent home every Thursday and returned on Friday signed.  The above “Cards” referenced is in correlation to a Behavior Chart hanging within our classroom.  At the end of each day, your child will fill in a Behavior Log with the color they ended up on. They will take this Behavior Log home with them on Thursday and it, too, needs to be returned on Friday with a parent signature.

 Positive Behavior Reinforcement

 The use of positive narration in the classroom will be used as I look to reinforce my instructions and procedures in a constructive way, drawing attention to desired behavior instead of misbehavior. Students will have the opportunity to earn tickets in which can be redeemed for prizes such as: No Homework Pass, Computer/iPad Time, Stinky Feet, Show and Share, Line Leader, Wear a Hat in Class, and SO MUCH MORE!  Tickets will not only be rewarded when I observe superb citizenship, but also when a student successfully passes a test, masters their sight words, or returns certain notices sent home! 10 Tickets = 1 Prize Coupon.


 Language Arts and Math Homework will be assigned daily through the use of a homework packet.  Every Monday, each child will come home with a Newsletter which highlights upcoming events, spelling words, and a breakdown of homework assignments for that week.  Students are to complete the assigned tasks daily, and turn in a completed homework packet on Friday.  PLEASE DO NOT COMPLETE THE ENTIRE PACKET IN ONE NIGHT AND DO NOT TURN IN THE PACKET SOONER THAN FRIDAY.

 Grading Scale

4  = Student is proficient at standards and goes above the expected: 96-100%
3 = Student is proficient at grade level standards: 70-95%
2 = Student is partially proficient at grade level standards: 57-69%
 1 = Student is not proficient at standards: Below 57%

Healthy School and Classroom Policy

Dearborn Elementary Charter Academy is enforcing the LAUSD “healthy eating” policy.  A student celebrating their birthday may not bring cupcakes, cookies, or sweets to our classroom.  Students wishing to celebrate their birthday may bring a healthy treat like fruit or vegetables for all to enjoy.  The item(s) must be store bought and in their original packaging!  If you wish to bring a healthy snack, please arrange a day with me to come ten minutes before the end of the school day to pass out the treats.