Dearborn Elementary Charter Academy

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Mrs. Giselle Carmona » Homework information

Homework information

Homework will require some parental involvement at this level. Your cooperation is essential in developing a positive homework habit. Each day of the week from Monday to Thursday, your child will have  homework. You will receive a newsletter via Seesaw that informs you of what your child is learning for the week and what the homework is. Homework will all be on Seesaw. It will be posted over the weekend and is due by the end of that week. Homework will consist of ELA, Social Studies, or Science and math. 

First and foremost, you can encourage your child by showing interest and demonstrating helpful attitudes toward homework.

Some additional suggestions for homework:
• Establish a regular "homework time" in the home and have a special place free from excessive noise and   distractions.
• Help your child organize adequate time to complete activities neatly and carefully.
• Encourage your child to ask for help when he/she doesn't understand something or is frustrated. Teachers, like parents, can help only if they know there is a need.
• Decide if it becomes too frustrating of a task to stop and take a break. Any work done under duress or frustration is not a positive or healthy learning experience. Let me know if there are any issues.
Classroom Folder
Everyday your child will bring home his/her Folder. Please try to check it each day. It may contain important announcements, assignments, or completed work. It is very important that your child brings this back to school each day. This will help to create a routine and continue the communication between home and school. You may also use this as a way to communicate with me. For instance, if your child is doing something different from their normal schedule (being picked up from school, leaving early for an appointment, etc) please send me a note to let me know the change of plans.
Your child is expected to read every night. This can be a story that they can read to you or one that you read to them. Reading should be 20 minutes daily and an adult will most likely be reading to them. Keep the reading time fun as you talk about the story with them.