Dearborn Families, Staff, and Community,
As I enter my fourth year as principal, it has been an incredible privilege to be at Dearborn Elementary. Our families, staff, community, and students share a strong bond, which makes Dearborn a gem of a school. Together, we will continue to build a stronger relationship between all stakeholders, and most importantly, put our young scholars first as we get them ready for their future.
Our core beliefs in equity, collaboration and excellence will be our driving force to ensure all students receive high-quality instruction. Aligned with our school district’s strategic goals, we will ensure our Dearborn scholars have the resources, opportunities, intervention, and enrichment to meet their unique individual needs.
Dearborn’s strength is a result of our strong family and parent engagement. We will be committed to providing open communication, transparency, and support. I look forward to our school events and activities that will bring everyone together to share the many successes of our scholars. As principal, our school will continue to be a welcoming environment where everyone is respected, treated fairly, and acknowledged.
When you visit Dearborn, please stop by to say hello, my door will be open. Let’s have a wonderful 2024-2025 school year!
Dearborn Elementary...Where Dreams Begin
George Fuentes
Dearborn Elementary Charter Academy